A chronicle of our lives. One day, maybe a book...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"I am Not Impressed"

Last night, I decided to take the girls on a walk/bike ride to the park. Mikayla rode her bike, and Macey and I followed with the stroller. We were enjoying our time on the swings, crawling up the stairs, sliding down the slides and twirling on the merry-go-round.
Then I heard a little boy say, "What the F*#@!" I couldn't believe it. He couldn't have been but 9 or 10 years old - if that. Mikayla was on the merry-go-round with this little boy, and she decided to hop off. She grabbed a stick, and said, "watch this!" as she tried to break it in half. The same little boy started yelling at her that it was his stick and to give it back. Confused, Mikayla didn't know what to do, and she looked at me for what action she should take.
This sacred stick was a just a stick that was laying on the ground. It was the same as any other stick that could be found among the wood chips. The little boy proceeded to yank it out of Mikayla's hand. I'm thankful that at this point, Mikayla didn't start to cry. I think she as a little in shock at the situation. I felt that now I had to intervene.
I asked the boy if his name was on the stick, and how was a little girl supposed to know it was his? I told him that if he wanted the stick for himself, he needed to put it in a place that a little girl wouldn't pick it up, thinking it was an ordinary stick. I asked him how old he was, and he yelled at me that he was 9. I told him that Mikayla is only 4, and it's not nice to yank things out of other people's hands. He proceded to yell at me, and then I see his dad make a beeline for me. He starts yelling at me that I have no right to yell at his son, and holding his cigarette between his index and middle fingers, pointed in my face and told me to "mind my own damn business." They quickly left, then it was time for us to head hone, too. As Mikayla mounted her bike, she said to me, "Mommy, that little boy yelled at me, and I am NOT impressed!"

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