A chronicle of our lives. One day, maybe a book...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Update

Heading to school yesterday, Mikayla looks out the window and spot the shadow of the car. "Look, Mommy, your car shadow!" I look out my window, and I see a black shadow on the side of the road driving right next to us. "It's racing us, Mommy!" she continued. Laughing, I said, "Well who do you think will win, Mik?" She replied, "Us, Mommy, that's silly." She is so smart and I am constantly amazed at what she knows and what she is capable of doing and thinking about.

Macey is crawling pretty well now. She has been pulling up in a crawling position for about a month now. She was rocking for a while, too. Last Sunday, she actually crawled a couple steps. Now, only a few days later, she is able to go halfway across the room without falling. I can't believe how fast she is growing up, too. She is seven and a half months old, and she has absolutley no interest in eating at all. All she wants is her bottle. She gets upset and will spit out her baby food. It's only unusual because she never gets upset - about anything. The only thing she will ever get upset about is her bottle. I've tried everything with trying to get her to eat, and she wants none of it.

Today, the girls got to wear costumes to school because it's the last day of school before Halloween. Mikayla wore her ladybug costume from last year, and Macey wore Mikayla's old Tigger costume. They were the cutest little girls in the world. I am so proud to be their mommy. They make me so happy, and I look forward to being with them every day.

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