A chronicle of our lives. One day, maybe a book...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Must be Mikayla Day

Kids say the darndest things, and Mikayla has had more than her share today. Friday, I was sick to my stomach and was throwing up most of the evening. Mom came over to help me with the girls. This morning on the way to school, Mikayla was talking about SuSu and how SuSu picked her and Macey up from school on Friday. She asked me why SuSu picked her up, and I told her it was because I was sick on Friday, and that I had a stomach bug. Then she replied, "You had a bug in your tummy?" "Yes, Mikayla, Mommy had a bug." So this evening, we were outside and I was weeding the planter beds and Mikayla was drawing on the driveway with chalk. Vada, the 10-year-old girl across the street came outside and told Mikayla hi. Mikayla wanted her to come over, but Vada said she couldn't, because she was sick. Then Mikayla said, "My mommy had a fly in her tummy!" Then she turned to me and said, "Right, Mommy? You had a fly in your tummy." I could only smile at her.

Also on the way to school this morning, Mikayla and I were playing her favorite car game, "A Truth or a Lie." Basically, I say something, and then Mikayla has to tell me whether it is the truth or a lie. Most of the time, I start it out with one about the sun and China. "If I said the sun is in China, is that the truth or a lie?" to which Mikayla replied, "A lie! The sun is right there!" Well this morning, after that question, Mikayla drew a breath in, and her eyes brightened as she said, "Mommy, wouldn't it be cool if we had a rocketship to fly to CHINA!?? We could go real fast!" She makes me smile.

Ac ouple days ago, I was talking to Mikayla about Dr Pepper, and I told her that Dr Pepper was "the sweet nectar of the gods" and she thought it was hilarious. She's been saying it ever since. Any time you ask her about Dr Pepper, she'll tell you it's the "sweet nectar of the gods."

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