A chronicle of our lives. One day, maybe a book...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Top Grammar Pet Peeves

I am alarmed at the growing number of adults - college educated adults - who can't get it right! I have decided to make a list of my top Grammar Peeves. Because if you know me, you know that bad grammar makes me [sic].

1.  To, too and two. To = the preposition, gives direction. Too = also, enough. Two = 2; one more than one. In two hours, I'm going to the store, too.

2. "Literally" means it actually happened, not that it figuratively happened.

3. "Irregardless" is not a word. No, it's not. Trust me.

4. There, Their and They're. There = Over there; think here and there. Their = more than one person showing ownership of something. They're = a contraction for they are. Their jackets are over there; they're coming right now.

5. Loose and lose are two separate words. Loose = not tight. Lose = to not win. If the slot machines are loose, I can't lose!

6. The phrase is, "I couldn't care less." This means that you do not care, and there is not a possibility of caring any less than what you do now. If you say, "I could care less," it means that you do care, and there's a possibility that you could care less than what you do right now.

7. "Ain't" is not a word. I don't care if it's in the dictionary.

8. It's and its - I know it's confusing. It's = a contraction for it is. Its = showing possession. Its leash is on the table; it's not going to walk itself.

9. You're and Your - You're = contraction for you are. Your = showing possession. Get your feet off the coffee table; you're going to wipe it down with sanitizer.

10. You don't use an apostrophe to make a plural.

11. Everyday and every day. I see this one every day. I've seen it on billboards; I've seen it on shampoo bottles. I understand they may be just everyday people, but how can they get it wrong every day? everyday = adjective used to describe a noun. every day = adverbial phrase meaning daily.

12. A lot is two words.

13. Trust me, your grammar looks better my way.

I know there are some more, but I will add to them as I can recall. I'm sure I will think of more in the coming days.

I think I am going to have to start correcting Facebook posts written with incorrect grammar. Maybe I could just "tag" the repeat offenders in this note, then they would have to read it, and maybe they would learn something!! Someone needs to love these people enough to bring it to their attention, don't you think?

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