Writing well isn't that difficult. The rules of grammar and punctuation are not that difficult to memorize, either. People just don't care anymore. I have noticed over the past several years a severe decline in people's writing. Don't believe me? Read some of your friends' blogs—they are terrible. I'm really not trying to upset any of my friends, but I just can't believe that grown, college-educated, English-speaking Americans can't write. It's ludicrous. Yes, it is spelled ludicrous- not Ludacris like the rapper- and for those of you who don’t know, ludicrous means laughable or hilarious because of obvious absurdity or incongruity. Incongruity means lack of congruence (harmony, conformance).
If someone can put a coherent thought into words on paper, then most of the time the grammar, punctuation, and spelling make it so hard to swim through that reading it is almost for naught. What is missing is the writer’s desire for his or her thoughts to be conveyed to the reader most effectively. When a true writer wants to effectively get his or her message across, the words—and the grammar, punctuation and spelling—are carefully thought out. The piece is written, revised, and re-written. Assiduous consideration for syntax, diction, and punctuation marks is sought (assiduous means diligence, constant in application or attention).
Most people simply do not do this. They write or type something with no regard for grammar, punctuation, or spelling—a stream of consciousness that amounts to verbal vomit. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are the tenets of the English language (tenet means a doctrine or principle held to be true by a group). If you do not adhere to these tenets, then it is a slap in the face of the English language. To those who hold so dearly the English language, I plead to you: Learn it and use it properly! Learn to write correctly! For if one does not use it properly, then one might as well not use it at all.
P.S. I believe it is grievous I had to include definitions to some of the words I used in this blog. I believe if I didn’t, then not one reader would have taken the time to look up the word. I am pained by that fact.
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