A chronicle of our lives. One day, maybe a book...

Monday, May 11, 2015

Best. Cat. Names. Ever.

Because you love cats so much, and I'm an English teacher, I have put together a list of some of the best literature-related cat names. I will add to the list as I come up with new ones. When you get older, and read more, you will come to appreciate these much more. :)

Edgar Allan Paw
Inigo Meowntoya
Jay Catsby
Cat of Monte Cristo
Edmeownd Dantes
Cat Dracula
Hucklepurry Finn
Catticus Finch
Hester Purryn
Meowpold Bloom
Purrlock Holmes
Purr Lancelot
Meowll Flanders
Anna Katrenina
Tomcat Ripley
Don Cat-ote
Tom Pawyer