A chronicle of our lives. One day, maybe a book...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Lauren, Justin, Sadie and Ty were in town, so we spent as much time as we could with them. The girls are just too cute together. Mikayla loves Baby Ty, and wants to help him do everything! She'll be such a good big sister to Macey. She talks all the time about Macey, and tells me how she is going to help rock her and take care of her. I asked her if she was going to help change Macey's dirty diapers, and she replied, "No, Mommy, YOU change Macey's dirty diapers!" It was quite cute!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fall and Basketball

Basketball started, so pictures (and everything else in my life for that matter) will be scarce until the holidays! Hopefully I'll be able to catch up then! We went to the State Fair for Adam's 30th birthday in October. Mikayla loved everything about it. She actually fell asleep on the tray to her stroller. Face-planted on the tray - not leaning back comfortably, because she was too interested in everything going on at the fair. She finally gave it up, though. She just couldn't hold on any longer. We tried the fried bacon, which was all the rage this year. We had heard about it everywhere - from friends, television newscasts, newspapers, everyone was talking about it. It was quite tasty, but I could actually feel my arteries clogging. It's one of those novelty foods that once you have tried it, you never have to eat it again. And I won't.

Halloween came around, and we went to the Gateway Church Fall Festival. We went last year as well, and it's huge. I was impressed by how many things they have for kids of all ages to do. Mikayla got to pet the animals in the Petting Zoo; there were chickens, pigs, a llama, goats and more. She was a little intimidated by all the animals, though. She got to play a lot of games for candy, too. Adam's best friend, Travis, his girlfriend, Jenny, and Jenny's 6-year-old son Gavin spent Halloween with us. Mikayla was a ladybug, while Gavin was a ninja. They were really cute together! We went to two churches on Halloween for their "Trunk or Treat" festivals, and Mikayla got even more candy. Then we came back to the house, and we went around the block trick-or-treating. Mikayla got really good at saying "Trick or Treat" and holding out her bucket!

Friday, July 31, 2009

A Whollatta Firsts

You know the drill -- copy, replace with your answers, send to friends

1. What was your FIRST job?
I was the "Cookie Girl" at Albertson's. Very cool.

2. What was your FIRST car
The first car I drove regularly was actually my dad's - a 1982 green Mercedes 240D, then after HS graduation, Dad bought me my own - a fire-engine red 1983 Mercedes 300Turbo Deisel - watch out! 0-60 in 22 seconds flat!

3. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?
Not even sure who my first love really is!

5. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?
A wine cooler of some sort

6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
No one - my ohine won't really text any more.

7. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
Mikayla because she crawled into bed with me this morning at about 4:00 am

8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
Jan Carden and we still keep in touch!

9. Where did you go on your FIRST ride in an airplane?
Colorado when I was 2 or 3.

10. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?
Rachel - can't remember her last name right now!

11. Where was your FIRST sleep over?
Probably Rachel's house

12. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?

13. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Turned on Dora for Mikayla

14. FIRST tattoo?
a daisy

15. FIRST piercing?
Ears when I was in 2nd grade

16. FIRST foreign country you've gone to?
Does Mexico count?

17. FIRST movie you remember seeing?
Wow - don't even know. THat was a long time ago.

18. When was your FIRST detention?
And only - I was in Spanish class in 9th grade, and I answered a question (incorrectly) and this kid called me "Beavis" I told him, "Shut up, Butthead." Get it - Beavis and Butthead? I thought it was an excellent comeback, my teacher did not.

19. Who was your FIRST roommate?
Ashley York - ACU freshman year! Nelson 3rd East, baaabyyyyy!

20. If you had one wish? (Editorial note: this doesn't seem like a First...)
That we had enough money to where I could be a stay-at-home-mommy

21. What is something you would learn if you had the chance? (ditto the editorial note from above)
What kind of question is this?

22. Did you marry the FIRST person who asked for your hand in marriage?
Yes, well sort of, I had a college boyfriend tell me he was going to marry me.

23. What was the FIRST sport that you were involved in?
Gymnastics when I was 5 or 6. That didn't work out well.

24. What were the FIRST lessons you ever took?
Swimming when I was 3 or 4 - I think Missy (Elliot) Brenner was my teacher!

25. What is the FIRST thing you do when you get home?
Hug and kiss Mikayla!

26. Who do you think will be the next person to post this?
Anyone who has 10 minutes to kill!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, My Love

My Dearest Love,
It has been two years since I first held you in my arms. I stand in amazement at how quickly these two years have passed. When I look back, what is truly amazing is how my life has changed for the better since I first cradled you. You don’t even know it, but you brighten my every day and every thought. You light up my life and light up my world. I am so blessed to be your mother. I can’t even express the love I have for you. Tears are running down my cheeks right now, because the wellspring of love is overflowing.
Your short little life right now has brought me more joy than I ever thought possible. I never want you to ever, ever, ever think that I don’t love you. You are my world. When I got pregnant with you, I was not the person I should have been. Because you have a wonderful and prayerful SuSu and Daddy Pat, who both prayed daily for God to bring me back under his wing, I was able to come back to Jesus. You saved my life. Because of you, I was humbled before God, and He taught me so much through you. He taught me that just because I don’t see Him, that doesn’t mean He’s not there. Sometimes He’s just right behind the shower curtain.
He has taught me how He has unconditional love for me, just as I have for you. He has shown me that He loves me, just like I love you, only more. I want you to always look to Jesus for help, love and support. Know that I am always here, too. I will always love you, forever. You are my life, my love and my daughter. I pray for you daily that you will grow up to be a strong and powerful woman of God. I pray you will continually seek Him first in all that you do.
There is nothing that you could ever do that would make me love you any less. In fact, everything you do makes me love you more. Every day I wake up, I wake up loving you more than I did the day before. I look forward to sharing so many more birthdays with you. I love you, Mommy

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 Random Things You May (or may not) Know About Me:

1. I have several nicknames: "Linz," "L-Six," "Six," "Lin-Weezy" (although I will never claim that one!!!) and more recently, "Mama Mercer"

2. I was adopted when I was six weeks old. My real parents are Pat and Sue Six. If you would like to inquire about my biological parents, then you need to address them as such: "Birth parents" or "Biological parents."

3. A college professor (at a Christian college, no less) once told me I was the most conservative (politically) student he ever taught.

4. My mom was my high school English teacher. I vowed I would never be like her - now I'm a high school English teacher.

5. I am involved in a torrid love affair with Dr Pepper.

6. My greatest fear is that I will die before I get to see Mikayla (and future children) grow up.

7. I am scared of: clowns (there is nothing funny about a grown man wearing make-up and playing with little kids), spiders (only the big hairy ones), cockroaches (aka waterbugs -the big Texas-sized ones that are so big they could hold a conversation with you), getting hit by a train (that's how I'm scared I will die).

8. I have met a lot of Texas singer/songwriters: Pat Green, Cody Canada (Cross Canadian Ragweed), Kevin Fowler, Blue Edmondson, Aaron Watson (Go Wildcats!), Stoney Larue, Django Walker, to name a few.

9. I do not like it when strangers encroach on my personal space. I don't like hugging people I don't know well, either. "Don't touch me, dude."

10. I waited tables at several restaurants for 8 years. "Hi, my name is Lindsey, and I'll be taking care of you tonight!"

11. Stripper names take your first pet's name, then the first street you lived on. My stripper name? Florida Hamilton

12. I do not root for a major college football team. I went to a Division 2 school, so I hold no allegiance to any Division 1 school.

13. Mike Krzyzewski, however, is the best basketball coach in the entire world, so I am a Duke Blue Devil basketball fan.

14. I always think I'm right about everything. I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

15. In high school, I played basketball, volleyball, softball, ran cross country, played 3-on-3 soccer*, sewed needlepoint and crosstich*, was in a puppet show production*, competed in photography competitions*, competed in art competitions, participated in Texas Youth and Government, was in four musicals: Annie Get Your Gun, Hello Dolly, Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat, and the Music Man, and I was on the stage crew for My Fair Lady, I was the yearbook Co-Editor in Chief, Who's Who, and in the National Honor Society. * means it was ORUEF competition - you'd have to go to LC to understand.

16. I have totaled two vehicles, been in 5 other auto accidents, received 8 speeding tickets, and 3 moving violations. And they let me drive a school bus full of kids!!

17. I hold two bachelor's degrees: One in Broadcast Journalism, and one in Exercise and Sport Science, with a minor in education. I am 3 hours short of having a minor in English, as well as 3 hours short of a minor in religion.

18. I will one day write a children's book, a tween book, and a young adult book - not on the same topics, nor in that order.

19. I will not ride rollercoasters. I am not young anymore; I have too much to live for. (I should have written "I have too much for which to live" so that I don't end my sentence with a preposition, but I don't want to sound like a grammar geek.)

20. I'm a grammar geek. I actually liked diagramming sentences in 7th grade.

21. I don't get "The Office." I do however, love Boston Legal and Psych.

22. I listen to a lot of AM talk radio: Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levine and the such. See #3 above.

23. I attend Gateway Church, and it is awesome! Every Sunday I learn something new, and it refreshes my soul and strengthens my walk with the Lord. www.gatewaypeople.com

24. I love starting new projects, but I have a hard time finishing them.

25. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love my daughter. She is the most amazing creature in the entire world. The Lord gave her to me at the perfect time in my life. God has taught me so much through her: Mainly about His love for me.