I'm so tired. I'm not tired as in "I need to take a nap" tired. I'm tired as in the "I need a break from all this" tired. I feel like I am constantly in "go mode." I don't feel like I've truly relaxed in months, maybe even years.
Teaching English is wearing me out. It doesn't help that I teach at a low-performing school, where the administration seems to think that by giving us more paperwork, it will get the kids to pass their TAKS test. The only thing that can help these kids is a swift kick in the rump!
Basketball season was officially over on Tuesday. We were 8-21. That arresting record made for a verrry long basketball season. Needless to say, we did not make the playoffs.
I started softball on Wednesday. I jumped right in with two feet. We had a scrimmage tri on Saturday, which lasted most of the day. I evidently forgot that the sun turns skin red, which then becomes painful for several days. I have a nice sunburn on most of my face. Notice I said most. Nice curved white lines outline where my sunglasses set on my cheeks.
Weekends pass by in a flash. I spend most of them catching up with household duties and errands that should have been taken care of during the week, but I couldn't get to them. Because I work so much, I want to spend as much time as I can with Mikayla on the weekends. Most of the time, I feel like I neglect her on the weekends, too, because I have to do the laundry, vacuum the house, wash the dishes, put away the laundry, go to Sam's, go to Saturday ball games. Sheesh.
Weekends are supposed to be a time to relax, right? Well where is the relaxation? Maybe I could get a massage next weekend. I can wear dirty clothes, right? And pay the electric bill later.