Mikayla made her first major trip this week. We drove to Fort Collins, Colorado, to visit my sister Lauren, her husband Justin and their 12-week-old daughter Sadie. Mikayla did so well in the car on the 14 hour drive; it was truly amazing. On the way up, she slept almost the whole time. She only woke up when we stopped for gas. She would eat; we'd change her; then she would fall back asleep. The way home was a little rougher. She cried because I think she was just tired of being in her car seat. Overall, though, she's a great road-trip companion!
While we were there, we drove up into the mountains. We went to Estes Park and the Rocky Mountain National Forest. We drove up a road that is closed 9 months out of the year due to bad weather. We went to the highest point on a paved road in the continental U.S. We were 12,183 feet above sea level. It was 32 degrees up there! We had to bundle Mikayla up really tight - she's never known temperatures that low!
Mikayla and Sadie had a lot of fun together. Sadie is all smiles right now, and Mikayla is still learning how to use her smile muscles. She is two months old now, so it shouldn't be much longer before she is all smiles, too!
Sadie and Mikayla are so different. Each of their temperaments is so much like La-La and I were when we were their age. Mikayla is a thinker- very contemplative. She looks like she is trying to figure everything out at once. Sadie is so happy just to be here. She likes being held, and she never sits still.
Fort Collins is such a wonderful town. If Adam and I were to ever move out of Texas, it would definitely be to Fort Collins. It makes it hard when my sister has a baby and I don't get to visit very often. It would be so awesome to live close and raise the girls together. Seeing them twice or three times a year just isn't enough.